Logging af Telefoni og Internet – ulovligt i EU

Well så længe det varer om ikke andet …


Grundlæggende foreslår General advokaten at man suspenderer (ikke fjerner)
logging direktivet indtil lovgivningen kan give plads til en genaktivering:
“He proposes, however, that the effects of the finding of invalidity should be suspended in order to
enable the EU legislature to adopt, within a reasonable period, the measures necessary to remedy
the invalidity found to exist.” (Press Release 157/13)

Såehm – håber der er nogen af de der privatlivs pivedyr der tager kampen op, inden det bliver gjort
lovligt at aflytte og logge alt hvad folk laver på alle medier og den slags uden regler for håndtering og
udlevering af de data.

Vi nærmer os et samfund hvor man i EU er skyldig indtil det medsatte er bevist …

Speed Reading hack-style

So there is a lot of sites with speed reading helper tips.

One thing is the trick of presenting words of a text really fast to discourage inner voicing of the words.

So I basicly thought figlet. Hum … that should be doable and came up with:

for i in `cat read.txt | sed 's/ /n/g'`; do clear; figlet -c -w 115 -f big $i; sleep 0.3 ; done

-w 115 is the width of the active window (for center justification calculation).

Testing Youtube plugin


Found Peter Hollens through his rendition og the Skyrim theme (The song of the Dragonbourne) with Lindsey Stirling:


I like most of Lindseys work a lot 😉





PS: Click post header from fronpage to actually see the video links.